Backyard/Patio,  Design Ideas

Design Ideas For Creating Your Own Backyard Oasis

What better place to relax after a long day of work than your own little piece of heaven? No matter what style of patio you enjoy, there is something for everyone in our spotlight list. Fair warning, after checking it out you might feel like doing some redecorating of your own and copying some of these great ideas in your own backyard.


1) Make The Most Of The View

This patio needs very little to be a backyard oasis, with that amazing coastal view and all the cushions and comfortable looking sofas.


2) Think Backyard Comfort

Creating a retreat space to sunbathe and admire the surrounding greenery should be a priority for everyone. After all, you only need a couple of lounge chairs!


3) Protect Against The Sun

Taking care of your skin and protecting from the sun is paramount for lounging safely in your newly decorated little piece of heaven.


4) Unify Areas

As outdoor living spaces go, this luxurious combo of aquamarine tiled pool and surrounding wooden terrace is a dream come true.


5) Create Viewpoints

An infinity pool with sky-blue tiles surrounded by a lounging area on the grass make this our favorite backyard oasis example so far.


6) Mimic The Scenery

The snowy peaks on this location eerily echo the roof on the house, making the backyard look like a secret valley nestled among the mountains.


7) Use Modern Elements

Outdoor living spaces are all about combining great modern elements with high quality and warm materials like this wooden floor and that ergonomic barstool.


8) Keep It Inviting

Opening your living room onto the backyard with a glass wall or big window is a perfect idea. Not only will it enlarge your room, but it will also bring nature inside.


9) Make A Sanctuary

Have you ever felt like you needed a respite from a hectic life? Your patio can be that spot that brings you peace, like this pergola surrounded by flowers.


10) Four Seasons Ready

When redesigning, think all year round, not only for summer. Chances are, if you climatize that pool, you will absolutely adore it during winter as well.


11) Add A Little Pit

And speaking of winter, there is nothing that makes outdoor living spaces as perfect as a little pit that allows bonfires on chilly evenings.


12) Create A Waterfall

Take a page from Japanese gardening and invest in a small pond with a waterfall. The sound will relax you as you enjoy your surroundings every afternoon.


13) Enjoy The Pool

This amazingly large pool can be seen from every window in this house. You will certainly enjoy it, even when you are not bathing.


14) Relax Among Flowers

If you are not really a pool person and gardening is your thing, create a paved stone floor and surround it with all your favorite flowers.


15) Make It Rustic

A low maintenance patio with stone floors that opens into wild shrubbery, trees and a lake is the perfect option for your weekend house.


16) Be One With The Forest

This forest is a perfect backyard oasis for cabin lovers. That wooden terrace with an infinity pool makes you feel like you are bathing on the treetops.


17) Turn That Bonfire On

This gravel and stone backyard has a nice roofed dining area and an open sitting space with a fire pit. Anyone else feeling like going to get some marshmallows?


18) Surround Yourself

If you are trying to keep it private, surround yourself by tall treillages and plants and you are guaranteed a little space for yourself protected by all the vegetation.


19) Keep It Bare

Truth is, you don’t need much to create a lovely backyard. A couple of shrubs, a little grass and a paved area to put your reclining chair and you are all set.


20) Add Many Nooks

You can also get backyard furniture and make every inch count. A couple of chairs, a fire pit and a dining area on the veranda are certainly lovely.