Design Ideas,  Office

Home Offices That Will Make You Want To Get Working!

There is evidence that the first offices as such originated in Rome as spaces where official work was conducted, and that evolved over time to accommodate different uses throughout history. During the medieval ages, home offices were the norm for people whose jobs consisted of paperwork, bookkeeping and other such activities, and later on, during the 17th and 18th centuries, home offices became trendy for lawyers, doctors and other professionals. Soon enough, everyone wanted to have their own home office space to gain a little distance from the noise of everyday happenings. Nowadays, with remote working taking center stage, home offices have become super trendy and everyone wants to have their own working haven. Particularly if it can look like these home offices!

1. Wood on Wood Decor

Building your own custom desk is the perfect answer when you are low on space. It makes the most of the area available and you can adapt it to make the most of corners.

2. Warm Walnut Elements

Keeping your office space decluttered and somewhat empty is what works best to help concentration and aid visual fatigue.

3. Mahogany Desk Space

Mahogany is an ideal wood for a desk because of its honey reddish color and rich texture, plus its recognized sturdiness.

4. Grey Modern Office

Grey walls help your eyes rest when you are not staring at the brightness of your monitor and add a slightly industrial feel to this room.

5. Timber Industrial Style

Some people simply hate un-illuminated spaces, so if you would rather maximize the reflectiveness of your room, go for timber wood!

6. Minimal Office Decor

A minimalist desk is perfect for this elegantly industrial space. Rich elements like the rococo wallpaper provide relief from the roughness of iron and wood furniture.

7. Natural Light Space

A classic white bookshelf makes the most of this wonderful space that opens up into a railed balcony with lots of natural light and a magnificent view.

8. Beige Decor Salon

This small office feels like it could be a private attending room in a beauty spa or a dermatologist consultation office. It is relaxed and impersonal enough to be both.

9. Inspiring Decluttered Room

Whenever you have a difficult space that you don’t know how to make the most of, think about building a custom desk. These kinds of little nooks provide solitude and enhance concentration because of their sequestered nature.

10. Rustic Home Office

If you want to create a little desk space for yourself, you don’t need much in terms of investment. A couple of crates and a table will do just fine.

11. Monochrome Streamlined Room

A minimalist desk is a great way to create a working nook in your room without intruding much, and at the same time make the most of a great corner.

12. Open Space Office

If you have an open space that creates the visual illusion of sitting outside, like in this case, why not turn it into your personal office?

13. Classic Wood Office

What does an office space need? A bookshelf and a desk are mandatory but the rest is pretty much left to your imagination.

14. Urban Sleek Space

The styles you can use for an office are pretty varied. Black leather chairs and an ebony desk give this room a serious vibe.

15. Elegant Personal Space

Whenever you have a small space, you can add a custom desk and voila! This room could have been a closet, or maybe it still is and just doubles as office space whenever needed.

16. Baronial Old Style Parlour

The general decor of this room, combined with the regal antique desk, leather Chesterfield sofa and most importantly the old-looking map on the wall, give an adventurer vibe that made me check for the tiger carpet!

17. Grand Luxurious Office

Luxurious but elegantly streamlined, this room combines the best of old-style without taking it too far. It feels elegant, airy and well put together.

18. Modern Minimal Space

A minimalist desk is pretty much all that fits in this corner space. However, due to the design and the roof window, it doesn’t feel cramped or cluttered.

19. Bright Colourful Room

Not all office spaces are dull and serious, take a look at this bright room that can instantly cheer you up! It combines a while laminate desk and white walls with an apple green sofa and curtain to match.